WEA News

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Planning for Educator Evaluations in the 2020-21 School Year

As a result of the disruption of in-person instruction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Education Commissioner Katy Anthes will convene a stakeholder group to discuss immediate plans for how the state will move forward with statewide assessments, the accountability system and educator evaluations during the 2020-21 school year. The stakeholder group will review the impact

WHEW!  First day back for WPS Students.

I was at Westminster High School this morning. The first day of school is tough for everyone and during this time of COVID it is almost insurmountable! I’m at a loss for words or rather – there are so many in my brain that I’m having a hard time putting them together. Fear, fatigue, frustration,

WPS New Teacher Lunch

WPS New Teacher Lunch — The WPS new teacher day began on Tuesday, August 4th, with social distancing. Our WEA president Fran Groff-Gonzales had the opportunity to speak with the 47 new teachers. WEA also provided a take and go box lunch which included a “Join Your Professional Association” Note Card with the lunch.  

Fair Tax Drive Through Petition

Next Wednesday, July 22nd from 10 am to 1 pm Westminster Education Association will be setting up a canopy in the Westminster High School parking lot to get your signature on the petition to get this on the ballot in November. Of course we will do this in a socially distant, masked up way and

Fair Tax Colorado Sign at Home

Governor Polis’ executive order made on May 15 allows campaigns to mail and email single-line petitions for voters to sign and return to the campaign. In an effort to provide another way to gather signatures, the FTC team has been sorting out the details to make this an option for Fair Tax Colorado supporters. If

CARES Act: One-Time Payments Questions & Answers

What kind of help does the CARES Act provide? For working individuals and families, the law provides one-time payments that vary with family size. Technically, these payments are tax rebates, so they will be processed and distributed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). See more here

CARES Act & Other Covid 19 Info & Support Group

CARES Act One Pagers – NEA has created several one pagers to help leaders and members navigate the CARES Act.   · CARE Act Payments: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/CARES-Act-Payments-040320-FINAL.docx · Education Stabilization Fund: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ESF-Cares-Act-FAQ-FINAL-040320.docx · Student Loans: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Student-Loans-FAQ-CARES-Act-FINAL-040320.docx · Unemployment Insurance: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/UI-Benefits-CARES-Act-FINAL-040320.docx · ESSA Waivers: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/CARES-Act-ESSA-Waivers-040320-FINAL.docx · School Meals: https://educationvotes.nea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/School-meals-Families-First-Corona-Response-Act.pdf   CEA Statement on school closures – we

Covid 19 resources

EASILY ACCESSIBLE RESOURCES ABOUT STATE AND FEDERAL BENEFITS https://www.211colorado.org/covid-19/ https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/posters/FFCRA_Poster_WH1422_Non-Federal.pdf   MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES– it is very important that we all take the time to care for ourselves and make sure our members also have resources available. Below are some links on articles with tips and resources on how to care for ourselves and our

Message from WEA President

WEA Educators and all staff of WPS. We are in uncharted territory as we all figure out how to manage this pandemic. It is hard to find words to describe what is happening in our world. I can describe all of you as selfless, altruistic professionals who always come together to figure out what is

SPEA Shoutout! That the way its Done!

After over a year of dedication, hard work and persistence, the South Park Education Association has won their contract back! This win didn’t come without fighting for and demanding substantial changes to their district: educators entirely flipped the Board of Education this past November, and their union busting Superintendent was forced to resign. They now

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