Membership Enrollment

WEA is, “Taking the Lead to Get Real Results” for students by standing together for: Quality Educators, Accountability for Everyone and 21st Century Education.

Download PDF

Download a PDF version of your membership form

Online Form

Fill out your form securely online
This is the easiest way to sign up!

Download Word

Download a Microsoft Word version of your membership form

Early Enrollment Membership Incentive Plan

The EE Incentive Plan is available April 1 – July 30 of each year

  • Early Enrollment Pledge Form –  available in April of 2025

  • Early Enrollment Information Sheet

  • Join Now To Receive Most NEA Member Benefits

  • Don’t Start Paying Until August

  • Both the WEA Membership Form and the Early Enrollment Pledge Form must be filled out:

    • If filling out the online membership form then print and fill out the Early Enrollment Pledge and either;

      • email the form back to WEA or

      • send to the WEA office by mail or

      • send to the WEA office by school mail.

    • If you are printing both forms, the Membership Form and the Early Enrollment form, then fill them out and either;

      • give it to your school WEA Association Rep or

      • email the forms back to WEA or

      • send to the WEA office by mail or

      • send to the WEA office by school mail.

Professional Development

  • CEA COpilot (Colorado Professional Institute for Learning Online Together)
    • Allows certified member to access professional development at a discounted rate to move horizontally on the pay scale.
    • Classes are taught by other member educators like you.  The material being taught is pertinent to you and can be used in the classroom 
  • Provides opportunities to grow your local, state, and national leadership skills.
  • Essentially, the more enrollments you add to a single transaction, the bigger the discount you receive.

NEA Member Benefits

Click Here to Discover Extra Benefits from the NEA

ESP Classification Review

NEA Job Evaluation System Factor Statements
