The Westminster Education Association (WEA) is the official representative of licensed and Educational Support Professionals (ESP) staff who work in the Westminster Public Schools. As an affiliate of the Colorado Education Association (CEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), WEA is dedicated to serving its members and promoting educational programs. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of 10 members who represent different member constituencies. This executive body implements policy and performs essential duties, operating in accordance with the Association’s by-laws and Standing Rules, as well as the laws of the state of Colorado. The Board of Directors maintains a responsibility to advance the Association’s programs and uphold cooperation with both state and national associations. We hope you find our page informative and valuable.


In simple terms the WEA is an employee union. It is a “wall to wall” union, which means, it contains both certified and (ESP) Educational Support Professional employees.
WEA is a unified group of professional coworkers who want fair and equitable treatment and have a voice in the future of education.
WEA is the exclusive representative of and negotiating agent for the certified and classified staff in Westminster Public Schools
BOD – A 10 member Board of Directors directs WEA. They are elected by the members on a staggered basis each spring. The BOD is the governing body of WEA.
President – WEA has a full-time release president who advocates for the members and public education. The salary of the president is paid for by Westminster Public Schools per our negotiated agreement. The WEA president is elected by the membership for a three-year term, and answers to the WEA BOD.
ARs – The “worker bees” of the organization are the Association Reps. Each building has the option of having one or more AR that represent the school or site. There may be an AR that represents the teachers and an AR that represents the ESP members. For schools with over 40 staff there may be additional AR. AR’s can be elected but traditionally are dedicated volunteers. The AR’s are the conduits between the buildings and the WEA central office. The AR’s wear a lot of hats and as building representatives do an invaluable service for the organization.
Political Action Rep – WEA also has a Political Action Rep in each building to foster political action for the benefit of public education.
Membership Chair – The Membership Chair is responsible for helping to promote membership in WEA.
Yes. Members of WEA are also members of the state organization, the Colorado Education Association (CEA) and the National Education Association (NEA). In addition WEA is aligned with the Boulder Valley Education Association (BVEA), Boulder Valley Classified Employee Association (BVCEA) and Boulder Valley Paraprofessional Association (BVPA) to form a UniServ unit. WEA/BVEA/BVCEA/BVPA has two full time UniServ directors who are experts in legal and advocacy matters as well as numerous other areas of expertise. They work for both units and share time in each.
WEA has roughly 500 members. CEA has 38,500 members and NEA has 3.2 million. Combined the NEA is the most powerful voice for public education in the U.S.
The benefits of belonging are many, for a comprehensive breakdown visit the member benefits link.
The costs vary depending on your membership as a certified member or ESP member and if you work part time or full time. See the Membership Form – for current amount.
Yes. WEA has a set of standing rules and operational bylaws. The Board of Directors all have a copy of these documents and the documents are attached to this website.
WEA phone number: (303) 427-1734
WEA address: 8120 Sheridan Blvd, Suite A100, Westminster, CO 80003
WEA office email addresses: lwood@coloradoea.org
WEA President email: weapresident@coloradoea.org