How would you like to be a part of the policy-making body of CEA?
CEA Delegate Assembly is April 4-5, 2025, at the Westin Westminster Hotel
- Do you want to be a delegate?
- WEA Standing Rule, 4B states that the president and vice presidents automatically attend: WEA President, Melissa Duran. Certified Vice President, Breanne Schwab, and ESP Vice President, Caitlin Hollick are to attend. Derek Hawkins will attend as a CEA Board Member.
- WEA Standing Rule 4C states, “a candidate shall be a current member of WEA and shall indicate a willingness to continue serving the Association.”
- Delegates serve a two-year term: Malcom Davis and Tim Pullano will be serving their second year.
- This year WEA needs 4 member to fill our allotment of delegates.
The time commitment prior to the assembly is approximately one meeting the evening of March 13. This meeting will provide information on issues, resolutions, and candidates who are running for state office.
Interested in running or wishing to nominate a colleague who would represent the interests of our members, please check you home email for the nomination form or contact the WEA office. Nomination forms must be received by in the WEA office by January 24, 2025. Elections, if needed, will take place during the last week of January.