Students need good nutrition to succeed!

Congress is set to renew our nation’s child nutrition programs, including school lunch and breakfast, by reauthorizing the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. Among many improvements to the school meals programs, the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act updated the nutrition guidelines for school meals, making them healthier for our students.

The NEA strongly supports the nutrition guidelines of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. These guidelines have been under attack, and we expect that efforts to roll them back will continue this year.

Tell Congress to maintain these guidelines for the health and well-being of all students, particularly those for whom schools provide most of their meals. Also let them know that adequate training and equipment are necessary to help school food service professionals provide healthy meals.

Other NEA priorities in child nutrition reauthorization include ensuring that students from families with low-incomes also have access to meals in the summer months, and expanding the Farm to School program to expose students to healthy, locally sourced foods and enrichment activities.


