Six members of WEA attended Lobby Day on March 25, Jessica Messmer and Fran Groff-Gonzales from Westminster High, Natasha Galvez-Dunne and Chriss Kilburn from Ranum, WEA Cert. Vice President Bob Warden and WEA president Rosie Jaramillo. The members met with senators and representatives to talk about the amount of time testing takes away from teaching students.   While at the Capitol they had the opportunity to meet with Lt Governor Joe Garcia and discussed assessments and educational funding.  Lobby DayaThey also attended the”Our Students Are More Than A Score” rally. They joined over 200 cheering parents, students, educators and community members to protest the time and resources excessive standardized testing takes time away from students learning. Time To Learn and Time To Teach.   The community rally was sponsored by the Colorado Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, FairTest, Colorado Jobs with Justice, and the Colorado PTA.  For more information on the Rally Click Here.Lobby Day 2a

